Turning Point Soccer aims
to fill a crucial gap in every aspiring youth and adult soccer player’s development - the need for
supplemental/individualized training in addition to a players’ club schedule, as well as guiding players through their careers in college recruitment and beyond.
The case for a majority of soccer players throughout the US is a lack of quality training sessions aimed at improving a players’ individual ability, knowledge, and confidence.
Directed by Drou Goff (former Professional soccer player, current USSF Licensed Coach, and Certified Strength & Conditioning
Coach), Turning Point Soccer offers Private and Small Group training sessions focused on a players’ individual development. Preparing players to exceed in their club or school seasons, that
they otherwise would not get during a large team-oriented training session.
Trainings can be tailored to specific needs of the player or encompass all facets of the game, from Passing/Finishing to Fitness/Strength & Conditioning.
Turning Point Soccer’s main focus through all training sessions is building confidence in a player’s ability; and truly believes any player can reach their full potential through hard work, dedication, and self-confidence.